Thursday, July 31, 2008

Merry-Go-Round Clock

One of the first times I walked to Ebisu station through YGP, I saw the clock at the top of the Benugo / Smoochies building (those being the names of the two stores on either side of the building). Most times, the clock doesn't look like much and most people don't notice it. I noticed it right away but I had no idea that it became active at certain times of the day. On this day back in January, we were walking out to get some lunch and the clock had just struck past noon. Then the fun began. All of a sudden, I heard carnival music and I nearly bumped into a family who had come to a full stop in front of me. I avoided them by swerving right and nearly hit yet another family with small children who had stopped in their tracks too. Both these families were looking up and pointing, indicating to their little ones that there was something to look at in the sky.

Of course, I looked too. And there it was. Dancing marionettes on a merry-go-round in a carnival like atmosphere. I guess because I really didn't expect it, it actually was quite a surprise. What was also surprising was the amount of people who actually stopped and stared. Everyone was stopped in their tracks and staring at the clock above the Benugo store. Some were taking photos. I took a video.

Every now and again, when I walk to the station, the music sets off and the merry-go-round action happens and everyone stops in their tracks. Now that I know it might come, everytime I hear the sounds of a carnival, I know to look out for newly placed stationary objects. Usually, I'm in a rush, and I don't stop to look anymore. It almost feels sacrilegious since everyone else seems to stop and stare with zombie-like uniformity at the noon hour spectacle in YGP. Yesterday in the 34 deg C temperature and 65% humidity, I decided to forego the show.

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