Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yokohama and the bright lights of the ferris wheel

It seems that the Cosmo Clock 21 ferris wheel in Yokohama's Minato Mirai district is the 7th largest in the world, standing at 117m tall. It is the tallest in Japan, beating out Odaiba's ferris wheel by 2.5m. At the time of construction, in 1989, it was the world's tallest ferris wheel. Now large international cities are tripping over themselves to build the next biggest ferris wheel. I believe that there are now plans for ferris wheels towering over 200m high. There was supposed to be one in Beijing in time for the 2008 Olympic games, but it didn't happen. These photos were taken from the top of Landmark Tower, on the 69th floor observation deck. This building is Japan's tallest building. The elevator ride up to the top takes about 40 seconds and can reach a speed of 750m/s. As the elevator accelerates to the top speed you can see the speed barometer going from green to yellow to hot red. The building is about 972 feet tall and is the tallest structure in the area by far, so you can see for miles around once you reach the top. We paid for our entrance to the top by an automated vending machine. It cost 1000 yen per person to get up there. I think the aquariums up there are half the attraction. We went at night, but I think the views would have been cool durin daylight.

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