Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kamakura - The Daibutsu

After almost 2.5 months, I finally sent some photos of another tourist to her of her visit to Kamakura that day. She was kind enough to take photos of me with the Diabutsu of Kamakura.

The Daibutsu in Kamakura is the largest statue of Buddha within an 1.5 hour of Tokyo. There is a larger one in Nara but Nara is past Kyoto, so a trip there would take a few more hours to get to by Shinkansen and other train transportation. Within Tokyo, there is an urban legend that says that there is a great daibutsu statue nestled within the city's 23 wards, but I have yet to go see it or find someone who knows exactly where it is and how I might get there to pay homage.

I had gone to Kamakura in late April on a tour group with Tokyo Gaijins. Everyone else spoke English or some level of it, so to many foreigners it is comforting and to many Japanese people who like to practice their English, it's somewhat of a treat to hear so many people speaking it all around you. We stopped at 3 temples and 3 shrines that day plus we hiked in the mountains / woods.

I post this photo today because most of the photos of the other tourist that I just sent by email were taken here. And really, these two are a couple of my favourite photos from the day.

I'm also inspired to write this post by my upcoming visit this Friday. This time, I will get to see the beaches of Kamakura
close-up, of which previously I had caught only a glimpse from within the heavily forested mountain hike.

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